Series of Talks and Keynotes - Professor Ashraf M. Salama (October - November 2020).
Invited Speaker, International Conference on Appropriate Building Technology, A Message to OB Community, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, Online, 23 Nov. 2020.
Invited Speaker, 2nd Intl Conference on Sustainability and Resilience, Sustainable Urbanism As If people Mattered, University of Bahrain, Manama, Online, 11 Nov. 2020.
Keynote Speaker, Reproducing Architecture and Urbanism in the Midst of a Pandemic Condition, International Conference on Architecture and Urbanism in the Age of Planetary Crisis, Ecodemia, London, 23 October 2020.
Invited Panellist, Harvard Gulf Sustainable Urbanism Book Launch, Session 3, The Traditional Neighbourhoods and Architecture of the Region, Online, Doha-Boston, 21 October 2020.