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Routledge Series on Architecture and Urbanism in the Global South.

Routledge Series on Architecture and Urbanism in the Global South

Series Editors: Ashraf M. Salama and David Grierson: The Global South continues to experience a multitude of influences. Architecture and urbanism have experienced dramatic transformations that instigated critical questions about urban growth, sustainable development, regenerating and retrofitting cities, the quality of urban life, health, liveability, identity, multiculturalism, among others. In some regions within the Global South, architecture and urban environments are developed in tandem with environmental degradation, ethnic and regional conflicts and mass displacements of refugees, political and economic instability, among other undecorated realities. In essence, this conveys a sharp dichotomy that is emerging as a new field of investigation, discourse, and writing.

The series places emphasis on architecture and urbanism of cities and settlements in the Global South which is defined geographically to include key capitals, major cities, and important settlements within Africa, the Arabian peninsula, the Indian Sub-Continent, the southern Mediterranean and the Middle East, South America, and South Asia.

Written by international experts and researchers, the volumes will cover a wide spectrum of topics that range from vernacular architecture, architectural heritage, urban traditions, explorations of the works of global south and international architects, to themes that include the architecture of squatter settlements, housing transformations, urban governance, the impact of globalization on cultural identity as manifested in architecture, and sustainable urbanism.

Visit Routledge Series on Architecture and Urbanism in the Global South

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Michael Crosbie interviews Ashraf Salama on possible outcomes in a post-coronavirus world.
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After coronavirus: how seasonal migration and empty centres might change our cities
Salama, A. M. (2020). After coronavirus: how seasonal migration and empty centres might change our cities. The Conversation.

Authored and Edited Books

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Chapters in Edited Books

Pedagogical Publications: Architectural Education and Design Studio Pedagogy

Critical Essays in Professional Architecture and Design Magazines

Papers in Conference Proceedings